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Join the 7x Challenge

12 Dec 2022 0 Comments
Join the 7x Challenge

Sore, stiff joints? Is it holding you back from your New Year's Resolution of activity?

Sounds like you need to join the 7x Challenge and make a change!

The team of KaLaya loves and trusts the 7x Joint Support Supplement, but sometimes we forget to take in for a day or two... and we feel the difference! Now we're challenging each other to stay on our routines and hit our fitness goals. And we're inviting YOU to join us!

The Rules?

  1. Take 1 - 2 capsules daily of 7x Joint Support for the month of January
  2. Get started on your New Year's activity goals (hitting the gym? walking the dog more? playing with the kids?)
  3. Feel the difference building every day

Why does 7x Joint & Support work so well? It's the ingredients! Learn more here.

The Perks?

  • Tag us in your Instagram REEL or TikTok for a chance to be re-posted and WIN a $50 Gift Card! (Our handle is @KaLayaHealth)
  • Take a quick survey at the end of the month to reflect on your experience and we will reward you with a discount code for more! (We will email you the survey!)
Do you have joint pain? Are you taking the 7x Challenge? Share your thoughts and journey in the comment section below! 


Terms & Conditions

The 7x Challenge runs from January 1 2023 to January 31 2023.
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